Tamiami Tale Tellers

Tellabration Cast, November 23, 2024. Lisa Leonhardt, Mary Lou Williams, Marilyn Graham, Janice Beever, Pam Minton, Mary Charles, Lynn Jaffe, Joel Ying

Tamiami Tale Tellers (TTT) is a storytelling guild in Fort Myers, Florida.


Third Thursday of each month
7pm to 9pm
All Faiths Church, 2756 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers, FL. 33901

Tellers and listeners are welcome.  TTT is an informal organization without dues or membership requirements.  If you attend a TTT meeting, you can consider yourself a member!  Each meeting starts with announcements and introductions.  Then anyone wanting to tell a story is invited to call out “Kric!” and the others will call back “Krac!”  This Haitian custom for community storytelling has been adopted by TTT for our meetings.  Tellers are asked to limit their stories to about 10 minutes.  The meeting gives tellers a chance to practice new stories, so it is perfectly acceptable for the teller to use notes.  


Tellabration is an annual showcase of stories from our members typically presented on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Our next Tellabration will be on November 23, 2024, 2pm – 4pm, at Peace Community Church, 17671 Pine Ridge Road, Fort Myers Beach, 33931.

“Bible Bad Girls”: TTT member Pamela Minton was inspired to pull together a cast for a storytelling program “Bible Bad Girls: Heresy or Her Story?”  The program features nine women from the Bible who have tarnished reputations.  The scripts, which were written by the cast members, present each woman’s point of view with compelling reasons for their choices. Characters such as Eve, Delilah, Jezebel, Bathsheba and Salome among others present a new perspective on gray areas of good and evil.  “Bible Bad Girls” has been presented six times so far to very appreciative audiences.  The show is available for future bookings.  


The Tamiami Tale Tellers (TTT) was founded circa 1989 by Bert MacCarry, Noel MacCarry and Leila “Cissie” Griffin.  After leading TTT for many years, Bert and Noel MacCarry both departed this earth a number of years ago.  Cissie continued her interest and support of TTT until her health started to fail and she passed away in 2021.


For more information about TTT, please feel welcome to contact Marilyn Graham at mlginfm19@gmail.com or 239-849-7666. 

Tellabration Cast, November 18, 2023. Joel Ying, Janice Beever, Lisa Leonhardt, Janel Behm, Pam Minton, Lynn Jaffe, Mary Lou Williams, Marilyn Graham